Kauffman-Axelrod, J.L. & Steinberg, S.J. Development and Application of an Automated GIS Based Evaluation to Prioritize Wetland Restoration Opportunities. Wetlands 30, 437-448 (2010).

This study utilizes the ArcGIS tool Model Builder to improve upon previous GIS based tools for evaluating wetland areas for restoration.  This tool allows for the wetland evaluation process to be region or even site specific to obtain the most accurate and relevant ant habitat analysis possible.  The authors also hoped to improve office based assessments by incorporating available environmental and hydrologic data sets publically available to reduce the number of field visits required before a site is declared as a priority restoration area.  The team developed GIS tools to automate the process of environmental evaluation at multiple spatial scales and for both vector and raster datasets.  This study was done on Oregon coastal wetlands and was heavily influenced by and incorporated with the work of Laura Brohpy on developing accessible and ‘transparent’ evaluation methods for prioritizing wetlands rehabilitation and restoration sites.

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